December Member Meeting and Holiday Party. Get plugged into the what the chapter has to offer!
We have another excellent speaker this month:
Mike Dietz, President/Chairman of the NDIA Lone Star Chapter
Topic: 2019 Kickoff and Strategy for the Lone Star Chapter
***Thursday, December 11th ***
Networking starts at 6:00 PM
Meeting starts at 6:30 PM
Event ends around 7:30 PM where there will be additional networking
****Be sure to RSVP by sending an email to both Mike Dietz and Victor Fishman so we can get you pre-registered.
Dress is business casual or business attire. Guests and potential interested NDIA members are welcome.
Location: *** Note: Food and Refreshments (for a light dinner) will be provided!
Crowne Plaza at Arlington
700 Avenue H. East
Arlington, TX, 76011
- Teleconference:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 770 180 539
(Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android)
We look forward to seeing you!