We’re excited to announce that the July Speaker will be Raanan Horowitz, President and CEO, Elbit Systems of America
This month’s meeting will be on site at Elbit Systems of America, and will require pre-registration and be for US citizens only for logistical reasons.
***Please bring your driver’s license to the meeting so we can register you and RSVP per below.
***Wednesday, July 19th ***
Networking starts at 6:00 PM
Meeting starts at 6:30 PM
Event ends around 7:30 PM where there will be additional networking
****Be sure to RSVP by sending an email to both mpdietz@hotmail.com and Kristen.Jones@elbitsystems-us.com so we can get you pre-registered.
Dress is business casual or business attire. Guests and potential interested NDIA members are welcome.
Location: *** Note: Food and Refreshments (for a light dinner) will be provided!
Elbit Systems of America, LLC
4700 Marine Creek Parkway
Ft. Worth, TX 76179
Once you come through the front door, you will need to present your driver’s license to sign in with one of Raanan’s staff. Ask for the NDIA Meeting!.
Ranaan’s bio can be found here: Raanan Horowitz
- Teleconference:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 770 180 539
Video: https://zoom.us/j/770180539
(Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android)
We look forward to seeing you!