On Thursday, June 10th!
**Membership is not required to attend this event***
NavalX Overview: Why the Status Quo is Not Enough
With Brad Goodrich, Deputy Director, NavalX
Speaker Bio:
Bio for Brad Goodrich
NavalX Overview: Why the Status Quo is Not Enough.
Mr. Bradley Goodrich will be offering an overview of NavalX, an Innovation Cell for the US Navy. One of NavalX’s roles is to deliver and facilitate the rapid adoption of proven agility-enhancing methods that are ready for implementation, have high impact and broad applicability, and are likely to scale. Our Naval culture of decentralized autonomy has been described as an innovation landscape marked by isolated and short-lived bursts of success. The approach is to connect to these isolated pockets of excellence to capture and scale the methodologies being employed, increasing awareness of cross-Department of Defense (DoD) and external successes, lessons learned, and subject matter experts. NavalX connects experts and solutions to workforce challenges.
6:00 PM Networking starts
6:30 PM Meeting starts
7:30 PM Meeting ends; additional networking until 8 PM
Event is Free to the Public. Please RSVP as soon as you can!
RSVP for Virtual Event on EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/june-10-2021-ndia-lone-star-chapter-meeting-via-zoom-tickets-155558259943
RSVP for Austin Location on EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/june-10-2021-ndia-lone-star-chapter-meeting-austin-in-person-tickets-155558771473