The United States Space Force and International Law Applicable to Military Space Operations
Meeting/Mixer Details:
When: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Where: ProSource Industries
Please join us the evening of May 11th to hear from Mr. Michael Hoversten, Chief of Space, International and Operations Law Division, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Space Operations Command at Peterson Air Force Base, CO.
The United States Space Force (USSF) was established as the nation’s newest military service on December 20, 2019 within the Department of the Air Force (DAF). Designed to be lean and agile, the USSF focusses on developing and presenting space capabilities to the warfighter while relying on the DAF for support functions including logistics, base operating support, civilian personnel management, business systems, IT support, audit agencies, etc. Mr. Hoversten’s portion of the presentation will address the reasons for the establishment of the USSF, its mission, and its organizational structure.
Some have likened outer space to the Wild, Wild West – a lawless expanse where anything goes, including when it comes to military operations. While international law is quite permissive when it comes to military use of outer space, it is anything but a lawless domain. There is an entire body of international law specifically applicable to outer space and that body of law makes the UN Charter and Law of Armed Conflict applicable in outer space. This portion of the presentation includes a synopsis of international space law and international law applicable to military space operations.
1700 111th Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Catering by: Spazzio’s Italian Cantina
6:00 p.m. Check in & Networking
6:30 p.m. Welcome and Speaker Introduction
7:20 p.m. Q&A
7:30 p.m. Networking
8:00+ p.m. Adjourn