On Wednesday, May 12th!
**Membership is not required to attend this event***
Wayne Boline, Senior Manager, Raytheon Global Business Services (GBS)
Speaker Bio:
Bio for Wayne Boline
Regan Edens, Chief Transformation Officer, DTC Global
Speaker Bio:
Bio for Regan Edens
CMMC Update with Wayne Boline and Regan Edens
6:00 PM Networking starts
6:30 PM Meeting starts
7:30 PM Meeting ends; additional networking until 8 PM
Event is Free to the Public. Please RSVP as soon as you can!
RSVP for Virtual Event on EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/may-12-ndia-lonestar-chapter-meeting-zoom-meeting-tickets-152176330501?keep_tld=1
RSVP for In-Person Event on EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/may-12-ndia-lonestar-chapter-meeting-in-person-lonestar-analysis-tickets-152176677539?keep_tld=1
Join by Zoom Video: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5843754611?pwd=eDgxbmRISWZLd1BxV2ZlcDJoY2Npdz09
(Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android)
Physical Location:
Lone Star Analysis
4505 Excel Pkwy Suite 100 (same side of the building as Su 300 in the map below)
Addison, TX
*** Note: Food and Refreshments (for a light dinner) will be provided!
Parking Map: https://ndialonestar.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/NDIA-Lone-Star-Visitor-Information-Suite-300.pdf
Teleconference Info:
Dial: +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 584 375 4611
Passcode: 45932396
In Austin:
Capital Factory
701 Brazos St, Austin, TX 78701