On Wednesday, April 21st!
**Membership is not required to attend this event***
The Role of AI in Jumpstarting a Post-COVID Economy
With Charlie Burgoyne, founder & CEO of Valkyrie
Speaker Bio:
Bio for Charlie Burgoyne
The Role of AI in Jumpstarting a Post-COVID Economy
In this session we will discuss the nuances of three time periods; Pre-Pandemic, The Pandemic & Post-Pandemic. These three eras require very different applications of machine learning, and companies that have realized adaptive strategies with this in mind will increase their advantage in their respective industries.
6:00 PM Networking starts
6:30 PM Meeting starts
7:30 PM Meeting ends; additional networking until 8 PM
Event is Free to the Public. Please RSVP as soon as you can!
RSVP for Virtual Event on EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/april-2021-chapter-meeting-registration-148294265139?keep_tld=1 Questions?: Mike Dietz and Jared Asplundh at mpdietz@hotmail.com; jared.asplundh@gmail.com
Join by Zoom Video: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5843754611?pwd=eDgxbmRISWZLd1BxV2ZlcDJoY2Npdz09
(Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android)
Physical Location:
This month’s meeting will be hosted virtually only.
Teleconference Info **Please note this info has been updated this month**:
Dial: +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 584 375 4611
Passcode: 45932396
In Austin: Reach out to John Thane and Patricia Baumhart jmthane@msn.com; pbaumhart@gmail.com for location details.
*While Zoom has been in the news lately, we’ve determined after review that Zoom security features are sufficient for our level of conversation. There will be no FOUO or sensitive topics. Everything we’ll be discussing is already in the public space.