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“To achieve an effective and affordable national security industrial base that will meet the needs of the coming years, the government must fundamentally change the way it conducts its business as the sole customer. To be successful, DoD must work closely with industry, Congress, and other key government agencies. In turn, industry must be prepared to respond and adapt to the evolving responsibilities of the supplier.” Dr. Jacques Gansler, former Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, and at that time Chairman of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Defense Industrial Structure for Transformation, wrote these words in the cover memo for his 2008 task force final report. Dr. Gansler’s message has only become more relevant in the intervening half decade, as the United States has concluded the War in Iraq, concludes the War in Afghanistan, contemplates what is meant by a pivot to Asia, and considers its post-war role in the world as the Arab Spring fades into winter, failing states become failed states, and the threat of transnational terrorism continues unabated.
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